How to Change Learner's Role for Incomplete or Course Extension

If your student needs to finish a course in which they had an incomplete, you can give them the Learner Course Extension role in Brightspace Classlist to allow them to access the course they received an Incomplete in to finish their work. This role will give them access past the start/end dates of the course.

Here is how you can change their role:

In the course they received an Incomplete for, click Communication, Classlist, then:

  1. Select the student.
  2. Click Enrollment.
    classlist interface in Brightspace with a student selected and the Enrollment button highlighted
  3. Change the enrollment type in the New Role selector to Learner - Course Extension.
  4. Click Save.
    the change enrollment settings page with the New Role selector and save button highlighted

This will change the learner's role and allow them to access the course even though the course end date has passed. 

Please note this role gives the student access until you change their role back to Learner. Once they have finished completing the course, change their role back to Learner following the same steps above except select Learner in Step 3. 

VERY IMPORTANT: This change does not set the dates you had set on your content, assignments, quizzes, discussions. If you set any dates on items in the course, you will need to modify them for the student to be able to access them and complete coursework.

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Article ID: 10531
Mon 1/22/24 10:01 AM
Fri 6/7/24 12:20 PM