How do I open my courses for students?

CU Brightspace now uses a date-based courses system.

Courses will automatically open for students on the first day of a term (at midnight), and automatically close 14 days after the end of a term. Outside of the current term, students will be able to see their course listing in Brightspace, but not enter it

CU Brightspace no longer uses the Active / Inactive course setting that Bloomsburg BOLT previously used. 

Can I open my course early?

Yes. Instructors can override the course start or end dates. These changes will apply to all students in the course. 

From your course, click Course Admin, then click Course Offering Information:

Uploaded Image (Thumbnail)(Click to enlarge)

From this page you can override the course Start or End Dates:

Please note: Unchecking the Start or End Dates is not advised. A course with no start date is open now, and a course with no end date never ends.  


Can I make my course inactive like I used to?

No. All courses are now controlled by semester dates, as entered in Banner. If your dates in Brightspace are incorrect, please reach out to CATS. 


Can I open my course for a student finishing an incomplete?

Yes. Instructors can keep a course closed while allowing one or more students access for an incomplete (or any other reason). This involves changing the student's role from "Learner" to "Learner - Course Extension" in the classlist. 

Please see the related articles section on the sidebar for step-by-step instructions. 

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Article ID: 13162
Fri 6/7/24 12:19 PM
Fri 6/7/24 12:20 PM

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