Creating a Midterm Grade Item in Brightspace


Faculty are required to submit midterm grades for students. You can calculate a midterm item in your Brightspace Grades. The grades must still be entered in Banner, which is not connected to Brightspace Grades.


IMPORTANT: Please make sure to check your Grades Settings > Calculation Options. If you have Grades set to drop ungraded items, you will need to enter grades for students who haven't submitted work, whether it is entering a 0 for not completing the work, or entering an exemption for the student if they are exempt from that item. Otherwise, the midterm calculation will NOT be accurate for students who did not complete work.

Once you are certain you have all student grades entered, you can create a Calculation type grade item to calculate the midterm grades for your students.

  1. Go to Assessments > Grades.
  2. Click Manage Grades.
  3. Click New and select Item.
    select Manage Grades in the Grades tool then click New, and then Item
  4. Choose the grade type “Calculated”.
  5. Name it Midterm or whatever you like.
  6. Select all the grade items you want to be included in the midterm grade calculation.
    checkboxes beside grade items selected for all the items you want to include in the midterm grade 
  7. Click Save and Close.

To see students’ grades, go to Enter Grades. The system will calculate the grades.

  1. In Grades, click Enter Grades.
    click Enter Grades on the Grades tool screen
  2. The grades will display for your midterm grade item.
    the grade item Midterm displayed with calculated grades for students in the Enter Grades area in the Grades tool
  3. You can export them to Excel or just refer to them here in Brightspace when entering them in Banner.



Article ID: 8123
Wed 10/4/23 2:58 PM
Wed 10/4/23 3:08 PM