Assignment Submission Help (Why can't I upload my file?)


"Assignments" (dropbox) in Brightspace is where students submit a file for the instructor to grade. To access the Assignments area go to Assessments > Assignments in the menu bar of your course. 

I can't upload or submit my file...

The most common reason for issues with submitting your file is the file name. Please avoid the use of special characters. The following characters will prevent your file from uploading:

\ / : * ? " < > | ~ # % & + { }

Bad file name example: "Why do cats loaf? draft #2.docx"

Try instead: "Lastname - CatLoaf Paper 2.docx"


Another common issue when trying to submit is using OneDrive or iCloud, but not having the file downloaded. We recommend downloading the file to your desktop first, and then uploading from there. 

I submitted my file, but my instructor says they can't open it...

Please use standard file types (best supported):

Text Documents

Microsoft Word (.doc, .docx)
OpenDocument Text Document (.odt)
Corel WordPerfect (.wpd)
plain text (.txt)
Portable Document Format (.pdf)
Rich Text Format (.rtf, .rtfx)

Avoid: Apple Pages (.pages)


Microsoft Excel (.xls, .xlsx)

Avoid: Apple Numbers (.numbers)


Microsoft PowerPoint (.ppt, .pptx, .pps, .ppsx)

Avoid: Apple Keynote (.keynote)


Joint Photographic Experts Group (.jpg, .jpeg)
Portable Network Graphics (.png)

Avoid: .HEIC (Default iOS camera format)


MPEG-4 (.mp4, .m4v, .m4a) *
QuickTime (.mov)

Avoid: .HVEC (Default iOS camera format)

* File uploads are limited to 2 gigabytes. For files larger than 2GB, please reach out to CATS for help. 



Article ID: 13167
Fri 6/7/24 1:06 PM
Fri 6/7/24 2:55 PM