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Change of Email Address to Alumni
Change of Email Address to Alumni
Alumni Office365 Account Information
Your Office365 alumni username is just like your student username, but the domain name is changed from:
@commonwealthu.edu to @alumni.commonwealthu.edu
To change your Alumni Office365 password (while logged in to your mailbox): click on the cicle icon in the upper right corner, click on View Account, and then in the password box, click "Change Password".
If you have forgotten your Alumni Office365 password, you will need to contact the technology helpdesk at 877-435-7280.
General Information on Alumni Email
Students are currently able to retain their email account after they stop attending Commonwealth University, and will continue to retain their alumni email account as long as they log in at least once every
6 Months
Students that wish to retain their email account should continue using their email account and watch for an email from the Office of Technology, about 8-9 months after they last attend, informing them that their CU Account is becoming inactive in 1 month.
Any student that does not opt-in to alumni email within the 1 month time period will have their email account deleted, including mailbox contents.
Whether or not an inactive student opts-in to retain their email account, they will lose access to Office Web Apps and OneDrive at time of deletion/conversion. Those who successfully opt-in only retain the email account portion of their Office365 account.
IMPORTANT: Alumni that do not log in to their alumni email account at least once every 6 months will lose their email account, including mailbox contents.
Inactive Student Opt-In Process
Please note opting-in only retains your Office365 email account, and only as long as you log on to your account at least once every
6 Months
You will no longer have access to Office Web Apps or OneDrive, so be sure to download any OneDrive files you wish to keep.
During the opt-in process, be sure to obtain the one-time password for your Office365 alumni account to use the first time you log on after your account is converted on the specified effective date.
Once converted, your username and email address domain name will change:
@commonwealthu.edu to @alumni.commonwealthu.edu
Even though your primary email address is changing, email messages addressed to your old email address will continue to be delivered to your account.
After your account is converted, you will need to log into Office 365 to change your password before you can access your alumni email account normally. See "Accessing Alumni Email Account" below for details.
Your account will not be converted until the morning of the effective date listed on the successful opt-in page. Until that time, continue using your student account.
Accessing Alumni Email Account
To log in to your Commonwealth Alumni Office365 email account:
Point your web browser to
Enter Your Alumni username (i.e. abc12345@alumni.commonwealthu.edu)
If you've previously logged on to another Microsoft Online service with a non-CU account, you may need to click "Use another account".
Enter Your Alumni username (i.e. abc12345@alumni.commonwealthu.edu) and current Office365 password into the Office365 login page.
The first time you log on you must use the one-time password provided during the opt-in process.
After logging on with your one-time password you will be prompted to select a new Office365 alumni account password of your choice that you will use afterwards.
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Check out this article I found in the Client Portal knowledge base.<br /><br /><a href="https://helpdesk.commonwealthu.edu/TDClient/66/Portal/KB/ArticleDet?ID=16195">https://helpdesk.commonwealthu.edu/TDClient/66/Portal/KB/ArticleDet?ID=16195</a><br /><br />Change of Email Address to Alumni