Add Mediasite Quiz Assignments to your Brightspace course

Enghouse provides great tutorials on how to add a quiz to your video presentation in Mediasite and then add a Mediasite Quiz Assignment to your course.

Go to Create a Quiz for your Mediasite Video in Brightspace to find out how to create a quiz in Mediasite for one of your videos. Then, go to Using In-Video Quizzes within Brightspace to find out how to add an Assignment in Content students will be able to complete. In the second tutorial, our Insert Stuff option for this is "Mediasite Quiz Assignment" (theirs is just Mediasite Quiz).

The full workflow is:

  1. Create a quiz in a Mediasite video and publish the quiz to the video (must be published to send grades over later).
  2. Add Assignment in Brightspace Content and use Insert Stuff > Mediasite Quiz Assignment to add the video quiz to it.
  3. Publish results to gradebook from Mediasite to push grades once students complete the assignment.
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Article ID: 13271
Mon 6/17/24 1:01 PM
Mon 6/17/24 2:44 PM