Signing into LinkedIn Learning

If you need to access LinkedIn Learning, it's best to access it via our specialized login link, which can be found on our website or via Brightspace in some content. Please make sure you are accessing via the special link if you are accessing for the first time as it will streamline making and licensing your account within our CU organization. 

You can see a video of the process or follow along with steps and screen shots below. 

To sign into LinkedIn Learning, 

  1. Go to
  2. You will be forwarded to the Commonwealth University single sign on page.
    message notifying user they are being forwarded to CU single sign on
  3. On the single sign on page, enter your Commonwealth University email address.
  4. Click Next.
    Microsoft prompt to enter email address and click Next
  5. You will be forwarded to the sign in page where you can enter your password.
  6. Click Sign in.
    single sign on page with a prompt to enter your password and click Sign in
  7. Respond to any Duo or Microsoft prompts appropriately.
  8. When logged into LinkedIn Learning, you will see your name at the top of the page. You will also have navigation options at the left, and a menu will open with other options by clicking on Me at the top of the page.
    the LinkedIn Learning landing page with greeting, navigation at left, and me drop down menu navigation
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Article ID: 12876
Tue 5/21/24 3:16 PM
Tue 8/27/24 1:48 PM